GreenWaves Technologies is a winner of the 2015 I-LAB competition delivered by the French Ministry of “Education Nationale, Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche” in the category “Digital, Software technologies and Communication” for the IRADELP project.

The I-LAB competition

The I-LAB competition aims at boosting the support of the Ministry to the creation of innovative companies and to the development of start-ups, as well as encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit of young university students.

Since its creation, this competition allowed the creation of 1730 companies, 70% of which are still running and growing.

This year, the national jury distinguished 54 winners among the 364 candidates. Those winners have already established proof of concept. They plan to shortly create a company or have already created one. Once the start-up is created, it can receive up to 450 000€ of grant.

The IRADELP Project

The IRADELP project, for which GreenWaves Technologies has been selected as a winner, is build on the Green-OFDM disruptive innovation. This technology drastically reduces the energy consumption of OFDM transmissions. It enables to connect long range and long battery life rich sensors ( image, sound, mouvement, etc..), thereby making the IOT horizontal, while it was up to now only vertical: one sensor, one application.

This project involves:

  • The architectural exploration and the algorithmic optimisation of the technology;
  • The development of a VLSI circuit;
  • The implementation of this chip in a radio interface that will be integrated to an LPWAN network for the IOT;
  • The development of a reference application that will illustrate the performance of this technology.