GAP8 Blog
Exploring Embedded Intelligence
TensorFlow Object Detection API
Building occupancy management solution using the TensorFlow Object Detection API Introduction GreenWaves has developed a people counting solution for occupancy management in smart building systems, providing real-time insights into how available space is used by employees and customers. The sensor can be used for [...]
Building a battery-operated smart camera in five steps using a multi-core microcontroller
Building a battery-operated smart camera in five steps using a multi-core microcontroller Power consumption is the major concern in designing a battery-operated camera system that interprets images on an edge sensor. Greenwaves’ GAP application processors enable new types of devices that combine ultra-low [...]
Thermal IR-based GAPPoc – B board for people detection and counting
GAPPoc Concept GAPPoc stands for GAP8 Proof of Concept. A GAPPoc platform includes an applicative board with associated documentation and firmware, focussing on one specific class of applications. It is intended to be used as a credible demonstrator of a final product. A GAPPoc [...]
Automated design intelligence with GAPflow: overview and benchmarks on GAP8
Automated design intelligence with GAPflow Overview and benchmarks on GAP8 Recent advances in Deep Learning (DL) have opened new perspectives in many application domains. Now, we are able to embed DL enabled features into everyday objects, e.g. wearable cameras that recognize objects, voice-controlled [...]